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三島由樹 (みしま よしき) 









代表取締役 / ランドスケープ・デザイナー 
1979年 東京生まれ。慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部 卒業。
ハーバード大学大学院 デザインスクール ランドスケープアーキテクチャー学科 修了(MLA)。

東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 都市工学専攻 博士課程単位取得退学。






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Yoshiki MISHIMA is a landscape architect and a founding director at FOLK, Inc. 

Born in Tokyo in 1979, Yoshiki Mishima graduated from the Department of Environmental Information at Keio University. He later earned a Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Before founding FOLK, Inc. in 2015, he worked at the New York office of Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates (MVVA) and then served as an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Engineering at the University of Tokyo.

Mishima specializes in researching, designing, and managing public spaces and social commons based on ecological / cultural resources in various regions across Japan. He is a contributing writer to the quarterly publication "NIWA," where he pens a series on "Yards and Horticulture – Design Theory for Society and Commons." He serves as a board member for the Social Green Design Association and as the representative director for the Shimokita Horticulture Club.

His roles also include being a city planning advisor for Hachioji City, a committee member for the Kaga City Greenery Master Plan, a specialist committee member for the Nishitokyo City Urban Planning Master Plan, and an SDGs Future City Promotion Advisor for Hakusan City.

His academic appointments include Visiting Lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Chiba University, Japan Women's University, and Waseda University.

He is a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA).

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山本敬子 (やまもと けいこ)

取締役 / 植栽デザイナー

1978年 愛知県生まれ。

慶應義塾大学 総合政策学部 卒業。

U-Landscape Design 株式会社を経て、株式会社フォルクを共同設立。フォルクのプロジェクトにおける植栽のデザインと施工・メンテナンスを担当するとともに、バックオフィスのマネジメントを行なっている。

Keiko YAMAMOTO is a director and planting designer working at F O L K, Inc.

Keiko graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Policy Management. Working as a designer at U - Landscape Design, Inc., she co-founded F O L K where Keiko is in charge of planting design, construction and maintenance.

金子結花 (かねこ ゆか) 
ランドスケープ・デザイン・ディレクター / 野原デザイナー
1986年 東京生まれ。慶應義塾大学 大学院 政策・メディア研究科修了。
第一園芸株式会社にて大使館の庭などの造園設計や装飾を担当。その後、株式会社DAISHIZENにてランドスケープ設計の職を経て、2018年 株式会社フォルクに入社。
渋谷区で育ちながら、毎年夏に帰省した北海道の祖父母宅にて、野原で遊ぶことの自由さを感じ、都会にこそ野原が必要だと考え活動中。現在、シモキタ園藝部によるワイルドティーと天然蜂蜜の店「シモキタ園藝部 ちゃや herbs & honey」のマネージャーを担当している。

Yuka KANEKO is a landscape design director and a meadow designer working at F O L K , Inc. 

Yuka earned a Master in the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University. She was a designer in Daiichi-Engei Co., Ltd and DAISHIZEN, Inc.. 

Raised in the district of Shibuya, she has always cherished the liberating experiences of playing in the fields of her grandparents' home in Hokkaido, where she would visit every summer. These memories have inspired her belief that the city could greatly benefit from the presence of such open, natural spaces. Currently, she carries this conviction into her work as the manager of "Chaya: Herbs & Honey," a shop offering wild tea and natural honey, spearheaded by "Shimokita Engeibu".

上野山波粋 (うえのやま ないき)


1998年 和歌山県生まれ。
芝浦工業大学 建築学部 建築学科 卒業。

芝浦工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 建築学専攻 修了。

Naiki UENOYAMA is a designer working at F O L K, Inc. Naiki graduated from Shibaura Institute Of Technology, Architecture and Architectural Engineering Course.

Naiki became interested in urban development and community design after visiting Portland during her high school years.

In her graduation thesis, she proposed a new style of so-yu (public bathhouse) in Daishoji, Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, considering how overseas immigrants and local people should interact with each other.

After entering graduate school, she continued her research in Kaga City on the possibility of local street markets as a communication medium within neighborhood, and wrote her master's thesis based on the results of field test and survey at the street market that she organized.

She continues her work in Kaga City and is currently working on landscape design project of an elementary and junior high school being planned in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture, as well as various other local projects.

藤理奈 (ごとう りな)

1988年 宮崎県生まれ。
慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部 卒業。

東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 建築学専攻 修了。

Rina GOTO is a designer working at F O L K, Inc. Born in 1988 in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, she graduated from the Faculty of Environmental Information at Keio University, and then she completed her graduate studies in the Department of Architecture at the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo.

During her undergraduate years, she studied landscape and architectural design on a tranquil campus with lawns and ponds. For her graduation project, she proposed a design for a stage for the traditional local festival called "Yokagura" in Takachiho town, Miyazaki Prefecture.

Then, during her graduate studies, she participated in earthquake recovery projects in Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures, contributing to the planning and management of workshops with local residents. She was a member of the Timber Structures Laboratory, where her master's thesis focused on quantifying and graphically representing the color changes of wood over time, allowing for visual evaluation.

After completing graduate school, she dedicated herself to childcare while maintaining her interest in community development. In November 2023, she joined FOLK, and she aims to contribute to various communities' life and culture by leveraging her experiences in design, research, childcare, and community activities.

泉谷智文 (いずみだに ともふみ)
1998年 高知県生まれ。
明治大学 理工学部 建築学科 卒業。
明治大学大学院 理工学研究科 建築・都市学専攻 建築学系 修了。

Tomofumi IZUMIDANI is a designer working at F O L K, Inc. Born in 1998 in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, he graduated from Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Meiji University, and then he completed his graduate studies in Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University.

During his undergraduate years, he was interested in passive design of architecture and joined the Regional Design Laboratory. He researched on off-grid architecture. Then, during his graduate studies, he worked on variety of activities, including architecture and civil engineering, for example, he worked on environmental regeneration of the village of Kamanuma in Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, and renovated an old house by construction of Rammed Earth walls with soil obtained from the village. In his master's thesis, he researched on  foundation work and foundations seen Before the Meiji Era, and evaluated the construction methods from both ecological and practical perspectives and he received the Toru Takeuchi Award at the Tokyo Architecture Collection 2024 National Master's Thesis Exhibition.

Through these activities, he became interested in the plants surrounding architecture and the earth itself, and joined FOLK in April 2024. He aims to contribute to landscape design project and various local projects by leveraging his experience in activities and research in Kamanuma.

佐藤束紗 (さとう たばさ)


1998年 東京都生まれ。

芝浦工業大学 建築学部 建築学科 卒業。

芝浦工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 建築学専攻 修了。


Tabasa SATO is a designer working at F O L K, Inc. Tabasa graduated from Shibaura Institute Of Technology, Architecture and Architectural Engineering Course.

During her undergraduate years, Tabasa was a member of a student project based in Tomiura-cho, Chiba Prefecture. She was involved in planning and managing events and workshops on the theme of two community living. She was a member of the Architectural Landscape Design Laboratory (Yoshihide Kobanawa Lab.) as first generation students. She proposed the conversion of a Beha hut (tobacco drying hut), and organized workshops for children and a hydrangea pruning event with local residents in Mashiko Town, Tochigi Prefecture. She became interested in seaside landscape design after studying abroad in Barcelona during her first year of her master's program. During her master's program, she conducted research on landscape design using seaside plants and coastal dunes. After graduation, she has continued her research as a member of the Tsujido-based Coastal Vegetation Breeding Society.



- サラ・ヒグチ・ペドローソ|ポルト大学大学院 / Sara Higuchi Pedroso | Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto

- チン・イ|武蔵野美術大学造形構想研究科博士課程/ Chen Wei | Musashino Art University

- 平本 慶樹|慶應義塾志木高等学校 / Keiju Hiramoto | Keio Gijuku Shiki Highschool

- 中山 心絵|ショーニガン レイク スクール / Cocoe Nakayama | Shawnigan Lake School




- シイ・ウェン|工学院大学大学院 / Shi Wen | Kogakuin University Graduate School of Engineering

- 飯島 友輝|マンチェスター スクール オブ アーキテクチャー / Yuki Iijima | Manchester School of Architecture (MLA)

- 小出 理紗子|法政大学大学院 / Risako Koide | Hosei University Graduate School of Engineering and Design

- 寺澤 理歩|筑波大学大学院 / Riho Terasawa | Tsukuba University Master's Program in Design

- 泉谷 智文​|明治大学大学院 / Tomofumi Izumidani | Meiji University Graduate School of Science and Technology

- 佐藤 束紗|芝浦工業大学大学院 / Tabasa Sato | Shibaura Institute of Technology Graduate School of Architecture

- 味方 唯|早稲田大学大学院 / Yui Ajikata | Waseda University Graduate School of Architecture

- 大木 聡|早稲田大学高等学院  / Satoru Ohki | Waseda University Senior High School

- コーヴ ジャネスキ|ワシントン大学大学院/ Kove M. Janeski |  University of Washington, Master of Landscape Architecture

- 千村 梨恵|スウェーデン農業大学大学院 / Rie Chimura | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Landscape Architecture- Master's Programme

- 山根 春佳​|九州大学 / Haruka Yamane | Kyusyu University, School of Engineering 

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