Summer Internship
We are looking for summer interns to join us at F O L K. Please apply if interested.
(English Text Below)
2024年6月29日〜 定員に達し次第受付終了
・ワークショップ等イベントへの参加 など
【交通費】:支給(上限あり / 遠隔地の場合は応相談)
【必要なスキル】:Auto CAD、Rhino、GIS、Adobe、Office、ハンドドローイング、模型製作、動画制作、リサーチ、ウェブサイト構築、英文ライティングの内、2つ以上の得意分野もしくは習得意欲の強い分野を有すること
【インターンシップ実施期間】:2024年7月29日から9月30日において応募者が希望する期間で2週間以上(応相談)。 ※業務時間は基本的に土日祝を除く、月曜から金曜の 10:00-19:00(お昼休憩1時間含む)とします。
Summer Internship Program for Foreign Students
FOLK is currently looking for self-motivated and inspired interns to join our office. Interns at FOLK will be fully integrated into our teams and work in all aspects of our ongoing projects – from research and education to landscape / urban design for emerging social issues.
[Application Period]:Open-ended, applications are accepted at all times.
[Duration]:: From one week up to one year(negotiable)
[Eligibility]: Undergraduate or graduate students specializing in Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Planning, or Art, either in Japan or abroad.
[Job Responsibilities]:Assisting with design and construction, managing plantings, planning and running workshops, conducting local surveys, and more.
[Salary]:Hourly wage system ※Determined based on experience, skills, and job responsibilities after consultation
[Travel Expense]: Payment (with upper limit)
[Required skills]: at least 2 of AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, GIS, Adobe, hand drawing, web, model making, etc.
[Working hours]:Negotiable from 10:00 to 19:00. Closed on weekends and holidays.
[Work location]:Tokyo Hachioji office
[Application documents]:If you are interested in an internship, please apply via online application form below.
<Online Application Form>
Through the application form, please upload your “CV” and "Portfolio" in pdf format (max 10 MB) .
After reviewing the applications, we will contact you within one week if we decide to proceed with an interview.